Should Australia consider thorium nuclear power?

Australia has developed something of an allergic reaction to any mention of uranium or nuclear energy. Blessed as we are with abundant reserves of coal, oil and gas, we have never had to ask the hard questions many other ...

Grand Canyon as old as the dinosaurs, suggests new study

An analysis of mineral grains from the bottom of the western Grand Canyon indicates it was largely carved out by about 70 million years ago—a time when dinosaurs were around and may have even peeked over the rim, says a ...

Tibetan Plateau may be older than previously thought

( -- The growth of high topography on the Tibetan Plateau in Sichuan, China, began much earlier than previously thought, according to an international team of geologists who looked at mountain ranges along the eastern ...

A safer route to a nuclear future?

By using thorium instead of uranium as fuel, nuclear power could be safer and more sustainable, according to new research.

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