California lays out plan to drastically cut fossil fuel use

New homes built in California starting in 2026 need to be powered by all-electric furnaces, stoves and other appliances if California is to meet its ambitious climate change goals over the next two decades, according to a ...

Lunar soil has the potential to generate oxygen and fuel

Soil on the moon contains active compounds that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and fuels, scientists in China report May 5 in the journal Joule. They are now exploring whether lunar resources can be used to facilitate ...

NASA at your table: Where food meets methane

Today, human sources are responsible for 60% of global methane emissions, coming primarily  from the burning of fossil fuels, decomposition in landfills and the agriculture sector. Nearly a quarter of methane emissions can ...

Sunlight drives leaf mass area based on spectral composition

Plant leaves is the main organ that converts inorganic carbon into organic carbon. Leaf mass area (the leaf mass per unit area, LMA) characterizes the morphological, physiological and biochemical functions of the leaves, ...

Sustainable mining of raw materials from thermal springs in Chile

Lithium, cesium, or even gold—in addition to energy geothermal waters can contain mineral treasures. In the BrineMine research project, researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) want to leverage this potential ...

Mining the moon

If you were transported to the Moon this very instant, you would surely and rapidly die. That's because there's no atmosphere, the surface temperature varies from a roasting 130 degrees Celsius (266 F) to a bone-chilling ...

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