Severe storms swell Iguazu falls to 10 times normal flow

The famed Iguazu waterfalls on the border between Argentina and Brazil have registered 10 times their usual water volume after heavy rains, authorities said, closing one of the site's main tourist walkways for safety reasons.

Droughts could leave us without milk, beer, and so much more

Records show that Europe has never been as dry as in recent decades. Drought has direct consequences on our lives, not least because it threatens basic foodstuffs such as milk. Remember that a cow needs more than 100 liters ...

Simultaneous extreme weather created dangerous cascades in US

Intense heat in the southwestern United States broke records last summer partly because it hit in tandem with an unusually severe drought, finds a new Johns Hopkins study measuring for the first time how the two extreme weather ...

Storm chasers face host of dangers beyond severe weather

The deaths of four storm chasers in car crashes over the last two weeks have underscored the dangers of pursuing severe weather events as more people clog back roads and highways searching for a glimpse of a lightning bolt ...

Greenhouse study confirms flood-tolerant varieties of soy

If you've ever looked at food labels in your local grocery store, you've probably seen soy listed as an ingredient. Even though soy is widespread in our foods, that doesn't make the production of soy any easier for growers. ...

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