Ice age vertebrates had mixed responses to climate change

New research examines how vertebrate species in the eastern United States ranging from snakes to mammals to birds responded to climate change over the last 500,000 years. The study, recently published in the journal Ecology ...

All species, great and small, must be preserved

Researchers warn all species are important, and conservation efforts should be based on the need for biological diversity and not on how useful individual species are to people.

Environmental hormones – tiny amounts, big effects

Empty nets and few species – environmental hormones are believed responsible for the diminishing numbers of fish. How damaging are these substances really, though? Studies that depict a complete picture of the lives of ...

Owls in trouble in a changing world

Tawny owls are threatened with long-term decline because environmental change is dampening the population cycles of their favoured prey, a new study has shown. If the situation continues, the owls will slowly die out over ...

Carbon cycle models underestimate indirect role of animals

Animal populations can have a far more significant impact on carbon storage and exchange in regional ecosystems than is typically recognized by global carbon models, according to a new paper authored by researchers at the ...

Temperature alters population dynamics of common plant pests

Temperature-driven changes alter outbreak patterns of tea tortrix—an insect pest—and may shed light on how temperature influences whether insects emerge as cohesive cohorts or continuously, according to an international ...

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