Archaeologists digging at Malcolm X's boyhood home in Boston

Archeologists are digging at a boyhood home of Malcolm X in an effort to uncover more about the slain black rights activist's early life as well as the property's long history, which possibly includes Native American settlement.

Einstein and Hitler, the hero and the villain of world history

What do Einstein, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Newton, Jesus, Mandela, Edison, Lincoln and the Buddha all have in common? They all make up the top 10 heroes in world history. As regards the villains, the ...

Study finds serious challenges to 'New Urbanist' communities

As New Urbanist communities expand nationwide, a study from the University of Colorado Denver shows the increasing challenges of balancing complex traffic engineering systems with the ideals of walkable, sustainable neighborhoods.

Major snowstorm slams northeastern US

The northeastern US shivered amid heavy snowfall and far below average temperatures Wednesday in a storm that grounded thousands of flights and triggered traffic chaos.

3Qs: 50 years after 'I Have a Dream'

Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech and the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, iconic moments of the civil rights movement. We asked Robert Hall, associate professor ...

Shuttle inches toward retirement home at LA museum

At every turn of Endeavour's stop-and-go commute through urban streets, a constellation of spectators trailed along as the space shuttle ploddingly nosed past stores, schools, churches and front yards.

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