Researchers sequence bedbug genome, find unique features

Purdue University researchers participated in a multi-institute project that sequenced the genome of the common bedbug, a blood-sucking insect that has reemerged globally as a hardy pest capable of withstanding most major ...

Terabytes of mosquito pictures help enhance mosquito netting

Researchers at the University of Warwick's School of Engineering are using imaging technologies, that are normally applied to automotive engines and sprays, to image thousands of mosquitoes to help develop better netting ...

Sugarcane aphids hit High Plains hard

Sugarcane aphids have wasted no time in making themselves at home and becoming firmly entrenched across the High Plains, prompting a change in some recommendations on treatment, experts said.

Fighting mosquito resistance to insecticides

Controlling mosquitoes that carry human diseases is a global health challenge as their ability to resist insecticides now threatens efforts to prevent epidemics. Scientists from the CNRS, IRD, Université Claude Bernard Lyon ...

Kill flies by alternating pesticides, monitoring need

( —Old-fashioned fly swatters may be the most foolproof housefly killer, but for dairy farms, insecticides are the practical choice. Flies spread disease and a host of pathogens that cost farms hundreds of millions ...

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