Startup targets salmonella with tech

If Arjun Ganesan had been accepted to Stanford University, Connecticut would have missed out on a technology company that has grown to 23 workers so far, with ambitious plans.

Water recovered from whey can be used for clean-in-place procedures

Water scarcity is a serious issue and a concern among the dairy industry, as declines in the availability of water could decrease food supply and increase food price. Water is necessary for many applications, including equipment ...

Looking inside food microstructures

Food's microstructure can explain many of its characteristics—be it cake's sponginess, bread's crispness, cracker's crunchiness or fruits' inner gas and water transport system and even colour. Understanding such microstructure ...

Device speeds concentration step in food-pathogen detection

( —Researchers have developed a system that concentrates foodborne salmonella and other pathogens faster than conventional methods by using hollow thread-like fibers that filter out the cells, representing a potential ...

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