Related topics: circadian rhythms

Our circadian clock sets the rhythm for our cells' powerhouses

Countless genetically controlled clocks keep time in different body parts, such as the liver, kidneys and heart. Among other things, they initiate metabolic processes, ensuring that these occur at the optimal time of day. ...

US body clock geneticists take 2017 Nobel Medicine Prize

US geneticists Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young were awarded the Nobel Medicine Prize Monday for shedding light on the biological clock that governs the sleep-wake cycles of most living things.

Operation of ancient biological clock uncovered

A team of Dutch and German researchers has discovered the operation of one of the oldest biological clocks in the world, which is crucial for life on earth as we know it. The researchers applied a new combination of cutting-edge ...

Premiere: Watch the development of a larva into an adult worm

Researchers from FOM institute AMOLF have developed a microscopy technique for the live tracking of development in the individual cells of a growing, eating and moving organism, the worm Caenorhabditis elegans. The next step ...

Newly synthesised molecules turn back biological clock

Scientists in Japan have designed new molecules that modify the circadian rhythm, opening the way to the possibility of managing jet lag and improving treatments for sleep disorders.

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