Hackers hit ArcelorMittal's Belgian website

The online piracy group Anonymous hacked into the Belgian website of industrial giant ArcelorMittal on Friday, posting a video to protest the closure of two blast furnaces in Belgium.

Anonymous antics spark hacker feud

Hackers bent on derailing Anonymous clashed with members of the notorious group at a DefCon gathering in Las Vegas late Saturday.

'Anonymous' hackers access Austrian bank data

The Austrian branch of the hacker group Anonymous accessed the bank data of 96,000 people in an attack on the website of the country's GIS television licence agency, officials said on Monday.

The safe way to use one Internet password

(PhysOrg.com) -- A little-used Internet authentication system from the 1980s could provide the answer for enabling web users to securely log in only once per Internet session, a Queensland University of Technology researcher ...

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