Predicting who will experience aesthetic chills

Researchers have built a model that can predict with 73.5% accuracy when a person will experience aesthetic chills: shivers, goosebumps, or a feeling of cold down the neck or spine elicited by aesthetic stimuli, such as beautiful ...

The accuracy of self-estimation in evaluating technology use

In a recent study examining the accuracy of self-estimation in evaluating technology use, researchers analyzed data from more than 300 iPhone users in China. The findings indicate a moderate correlation between self-reported ...

Climate change: Why disinformation is so persistent

Melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, extreme heat waves: the consequences of climate change are more visible than ever, and the scientific community has confirmed that humans are responsible. Yet studies show that a third ...

The psychology of success in data science contest design

In today's data-driven world, holding data science competitions is a popular way to address real-world problems. Companies leverage these competitions to crowdsource solutions and strategically attract potential employees. ...

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